Friday, August 14, 2009

Kenyataan Presiden MPPUTP: Tidak Bersetuju Dengan Pembatalan Study Week

Pihak Pengurusan UTP membuat keputusan mengejut dengan membatalkan minggu studi (study week) untuk digantikan dengan cuti ‘terpaksa’ disebabkan wabak H1N1 yang melanda negara. Keputusan yang diambil secara drastik dan tidak mengambil kira keadaan dan pendapat pelajar menjadikan pihak Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar UTP tidak bersetuju dengan pihak pengurusan. Kenyataan Presiden MPPUTP, Ahmad Farouqi bin Hassan adalah seperti di bawah (ihsan dr )

[MPPUTP] MPPUTP Disagrees With the Cancellation of Study Week
Posted by Exco II Promotion and Publication

Regarding the decision made by Academic Meeting on 12th August 2009, about the cancellation of study week due to H1N1 holidays as what had been posted by Registrar in e- learning, MPPUTP had a meeting and have a collective agreement regarding this issue.

MPPUTP disagrees at all with the cancellation of study week for July 2009 academic session. Hence, MPPUTP will take further action to discuss this matter with the university’s management until all students get back their right, one week of study week in July 2009 academic session.

Any further updates will be posted in official websites of MPP and e-learning. Until then, MPPUTP hope all students can give full co-operation with this matter by not spreading bad assumptions or rumors. We will ensure that the university management will reconsider this decision for the benefit of all UTP’s students.

Yours Faithfully,
Ahmad Farouqi b Hassan
Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPPUTP 08/09),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

P/S- Anda boleh menyuarakan pendapat anda di link blok UTPress di atas

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