Wednesday, October 13, 2010

LAGI-LAGI UTUSAN: Kenapa perlu persoalkan orang mahu menderma?

Semalam(13 Oktober 2010) UTUSAN sekali lagi membuat perkara yang tidak sepatutnya malahan menimbulkan pelbagai persoalan terhadap kredibiliti akhbar tersebut.

Berita di muka hadapan akhbar UTUSAN semalam yang bertajuk ‘Rakyat Malaysia pemurah tak bertempat’ pastinya mengundang ketidak puas hatian ramai pihak.

Menurut berita ‘hebat’ akhbar tersebut menyatakan perasaan bangga dengan kejayaan ‘Penyamaran’ empat wartawan Utusan Malaysia sebagai pengemis untuk menunjukkan sikap rakyat Malaysia yang sangat pemurah dan mudah bersimpati.

Antara helah yang digunakan ialah berlagak tempang dengan menggunakan balutan di kaki, berpura-pura bisu dan kurang siuman, menyamar anak yatim piatu dan sebagainya.

Antara ayat yang dibangga-banggakan oleh wartawan UTUSAN ialah

‘’hanya bermodalkan tin kosong dan balutan di kaki…”

“Dalam tempoh 2 minit, wartawan dengan mudah diberi RM 1 oleh warga kota yang lalu lalang…”

“Sepanjang penyamaran itu, hasil tertinggi diperoleh ialah RM 100 iaitu hanya dengan berdiri di luar pintu masjid sebelum dan selepas solat Jumaat”

Jelas dan ketara UTUSAN sudah tidak ada berita lain yang perlu dilaporkan melainkan membuat kerja yang tidak berfaedah, menyamar dan membuang masa.

Perlukah dipersoalkan mereka yang berkeinginan untuk menderma? Salahkah mereka ini?

Siapakah yang perlu disalahkan mereka yang menderma atau mereka yang meminta?

Perlukah kita hendak bertanya kepada setiap peminta sedekah ‘kau nie betul sakit ke?’ atau ‘kau jangan main-main, aku nak bagi kau duit nie, baik mengaku?’

Bagi saya sangat tidak berbaloi untuk UTUSAN melaporkan berita sebegitu di muka hadapan dan mempersoalkan masyarakat Malaysia pemurah dan tidak bertempat. Malahan ia suatu tamparan dan hinaan kepada masyarakat yang seolah-olah tidak matang dalam membuat keputusan dalam kehidupan seharian.

Biarlah masyarakat hendak menderma dan juzuknya ialah kerajaan atau pihak sepatutnya seperti UTUSAN perlu mendedahkan bagaimana hendak menangani mereka yang berpura-pura meminta sedekah tersebut. Saya balas balik dengan perkataan yang digunakan pada Rencana berkenaan UTP baru-baru ini

“Mengapa UTUSAN pendek akal untuk mengeluarkan berita seperti itu?”

Malahan tidak keterlaluan saya mengatakan bahawa baru-baru ini UTUSAN mengeluarkan berita pelajar UTP menipu, tetap di masa yang sama mereka menipu masyarakat awam dengan penyamaran mereka!

Tolonglah jaga isi kandungan. Ini adalah teguran ikhlas untuk anda mengambil pengajaran bahawa kami BENCI UTUSAN! Kami memang boikot UTUSAN tetapi janganlah malukan rakyat Malaysia dengan berita-berita tersebut. Jangan nanti ada akhbar luar Negara yang membuat artikel memalukan UTUSAN.

UTUSAN: Satu Kesalahan Menutupi Seribu Kebaikan

UTP secara rasmi telah ditubuhkan pada 10 Januari 1997 kerana menyambut seruan kerajaan untuk menyediakan modal insan yang tinggi dan berdaya saing ke arah mencapai Wawasan 2020.

UTP memberi fokus kepada aspek kejuruteraan dan teknologi telah melahirkan beribu-ribu graduan yang kini menyumbang kepada negara di dalam industri. PETRONAS sendiri menggunakan banyak tenaga manusia dari UTP untuk memastikan kelestarian PETRONAS sendiri.

Pada tahun ini, UTP telah meletakkan dirinya setaraf dengan IPT lain yang jauh lebih tua apabila diangkat antara 18 universiti yang mendapat anugerah cemerlang(Tier 5) dalam Sistem Penarafan Institut Pengajian Tinggi (SETARA) 2009. Selain itu UTP juga telah membuka ruang pelajar tempatan untuk menikmati suasana pembelajaran di luar negara melalui pelbagai program antaranya Program Penukaran Pelajar melalui menandatangani Memorandum Kesefahaman dengan kebanyakan universiti-universiti ternama di seluruh dunia seperti Universiti Meiji (JEPUN), Universiti Lehigh(US), Universiti Missouri(US) dan lain-lain.

Setiap tahun pelbagai aktiviti kemasyrakatan akan diadakan untuk membantu masyrakat tempatan dan seluruh dunia. Antara program-program kemasyarakatan yang menjadi program tahunan ialah Titian Budi, Mission Awareness Program, RECMO, Kem Bakti Siswa dan pelbagai lagi. Program ini dirangka dan terus menerus memberi sumbangan kepada masyarakat di setiap lapisan. Baru-baru ini telah diadakan kutipan derma untuk masyarakat di Pakistan yang dilanda banjir teruk dan beberapa siri himpunan aman dibuat sebelum ini untuk menimbulkan kesedaran masyarakat mengenai isu Palestin.

Namun, sumbangan-sumbangan ini langsung tidak diambil kira oleh akhbar yang ‘TERSOHOR’ di dalam negara iaitu UTUSAN yang secara rakus mencerca pelajar UTP melalui ruangan RENCANA m/s 9 keluaran 10 Oktober 2010 yang bertajuk Kreativiti menipu, Tronoh menjadi Toronto.

Rencana tersebut memberi impak yang besar kepada para pelajar dan juga universiti kerana telah dipandang sinis dan memberi persepsi negatif UTP di mata masyarakat. Bukan tidak dapat memikirkan tentang keburukan di masa akan datang kepada universiti, tetapi artikel tersebut disiarkan dengan gaya penulisan yang penuh emosi.

Antara ayat yang digunakan ialah

“Ketika mana umat Islam menyuci diri menjalani ibadah puasa, mereka mencuci otak untuk menipu”

“Penipuan itu kononnya didorong rasa meluat terhadap penuntut luar negara yang menghantar gambar mereka dengan latar belakang salji untuk disiarkan diruangan tersebut.”

“..hujah-hujah pendek akal dilontarkan oleh pelajar kini menuntut di peringkat universiti” dan sebagainya.

Ayat-ayat tersebut seolah-olah para pelajar UTP terdiri dari golongan yang teruk dan langsung tidak bermoral. Kesalahan hanya diletakkan seratus peratus kepada pelajar UTP. Perlu diingat hanya seorang pelajar yang menghantar tidak bermakna keseluruhan isi UTP ini adalah teruk.

Tambahan pula pelajar yang menghantar gambar tersebut secara ikhlas memohon kemaafan melalui pihak pengurusan dan meminta mereka yang menyiarkan mengenai Salam Perantauan dari Universiti Toronto, Kanada untuk menarik balik posting mereka di media online. Adakah itu masih tidak cukup lalu perlu dikeluarkan artikel yang mencerca pelajar tersebut dan universiti sendiri?

Isu ini perlu dilihat dari perspektif yang berlainan iaitu meningkatkan kualiti semakan (jika ada) pada tahun-tahun akan datang supaya perkara yang sama tidak berulang. Ini hanyalah ruangan Salam Perantauan yang terdedah bahawa fakta yang diambil adalah dari sumber yang tidak benar; belum lagi kita meneliti artikel-artikel lain yang dibawa oleh akhbar UTUSAN tersebut.

Malas untuk saya untuk saya ceritakan mengenai keburukan UTUSAN, cukuplah sekadar saya memberi link untuk sama-sama kita fikirkan.

Warga UTUSAN sepatutnya berfikiran matang dalam mencari info yang akan disiarkan. Bukan setahun jagung dalam arena akhbar, UTUSAN telah bermula sebagai UTUSAN MELAYU pada 29 May 1939 dan sepatutnya menjadi contoh kepada yang lain.

Kepada staff UTUSAN, banyak lagi perkara-perkara yang boleh diambil sebagai berita HANGAT yang sangat memerlukan pendedahan oleh staff-staff UTUSAN yang berkaliber. Dan pada hari ini saya mengisytiharkan secara rasmi saya BENCI UTUSAN and you are not a reliable newspaper.


Saturday, July 24, 2010



First and foremost, thank God for giving us the chance to breathe and to live until this point of time. Praise Him too that with His blessing we are here today to fulfill our responsibilities and give back to our society, religion and country.

The semester break is approaching towards the end and the new semester will begin very soon. Here, I’m Muhammad Haniff Bin Humam; President of SRCUTP 09/10 on behalf of all SRCUTP members, would like to welcome back all students to our beloved campus with new spirit to open a new chapter of semester July 2010. I also take this opportunity to congratulate all students for the effort and hard work in striving for the best in the previous semester. Good job and congratulation on your achievement.

Being a student of Universiti Teknologi Petronas put us in such a lucky position. Only few were selected to have the chance to experience the great learning environment with experienced lecturers, diversity in student’s background, comfortable lecture rooms and laboratories and many more. Let us recall the excitement that we had on the very first day of registration in UTP. We all came with high hopes and ready to fight the uphill battle. Thus, I hope that the spirit will never fade and continue to motivate us along our studies.

Together with this welcoming address, I would also like to inform students on the restructuring of SRCUTP organization. The shuffle is meant to cater the shortage of members on the board which had left for Industrial Internship Program. They are our Secretary II; Ms. Jenani Jayavalan and three Excos; Mr. Mohammad Fakrurradhi Bin Hamthan, Ms. Devarani A/P Kumarasan and Ms. Siti Sara Lyana Binti Badly Sham.

Few changes had to be made in order to replace their absence and to ensure that all positions resume its functions. The changes are;

Public Relations Department will be handled by only one Exco; Mr. Awangku Alizul Azahari. He will be balancing all the in house and inter-university relations. He will also be frequently engaging with other executives and higher managements.

Sports and Recreational Department will be coordinated by an Acting Exco; Mr. Adi Zulhilmi bin Zainal Ambri to replace the absence of both Exco I and II. He is well versed in all S&R department’s job scope as he has been priory trained by the Excos while being a Rakan Exco (committee).

I would also like to announce on the establishment of a new department which is the Clubs Development Department. This Department will be led by the previous Exco II of Public Relation; Mr. Mohd Syahmi Syazwan. This department will be tied closely to Majlis Persidangan Presiden Kelab (MPPK). The role of MPPK is to synchronize and monitor the development, events, activities and performance of all Clubs officially registered in UTP. It is basically the collaboration of all clubs in UTP led by our Vice President I; Mr. Ahmad Umair Zubir.

The members of the council who are currently undergoing Industrial Internship Program will still continue their tasks and also representing SRCUTP at their respective locations. They will be assisting and monitoring the newly appointed successor and the existing members of the council.

Now that these changes have been officially implemented, I anticipate that it will help in running the council smoothly and will continue to fuel our progress.

Lastly, I would like to express my special thanks for your support since the beginning of SRCUTP 09/10 session and wish that the support will never lose its color. As student’s rights and necessities are always our priorities, I really hope that your trust will remain by our side in attempting for the betterment.

SRCUTP wishes you all the best and have a flourish semester!

Thank You.

“Pursuing Togetherness”

Muhammad Haniff Bin Humam


Student Representative Council 09/10

Universiti Teknologi Petronas

H/P: 013-474 5996


Sunday, March 7, 2010

MPPUTP 2009/10 Intro Night

Introduction to MPPUTP 2009/2010 Night

8th March 2010 (Monday)
9:00 PM-11:30PM
Lecture Hall 3

You are free to ask anything during the session

Refreshment and door gift are provided
As well as a special gift to be given to the lucky person

Come and get to know us. You have nothing to lose.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Welcoming Address

Assalamualaikum wbkth and Salam Sejahtera.

First and foremost, thanks to God for giving us such a precious opportunity to be in 2010 that will promise us an exciting year with a lot of new challenges. Praise to Him too that 2009 had left us with a lot of challenging and thrilling experience which will be the most valuable shinning pearl for each of us in the future.

I guess it is still not too late for me to wish all of you a Happy New Year. Let us bring delightful changes to the world in this year. A New Year should be followed by a new spirit. Shouldn’t it? What are our aims for this year? Have we achieved our target in 2009 or are we going to bring the previous goal to this New Year? Those are the things to ponder. According to Umar Al Khattab, one of the Muslim scholars, if today is better than yesterday, we are fortunate enough but if today is just the same with yesterday, we lose and if today is worst than yesterday we are even very unfortunate. So where are we?

We are lucky as we are studying here in this prestigious university provided with a lot of advance facilities. Even though we are facing with many problems such as the internet problem and consequence management but we should be grateful as our friends in other universities have to face even more serious problems. Everybody should play our roles in order to solve the problems. We have to work hand to hand to achieve what we are fighting for. In a book “360° Leadership” written by John C Maxwell one of myths that is wrong in leadership is, leader is only for those who are in the high position. However, the most effective leader is the one who can influence people around him or her in wherever position they are.

I am very glad that MPPUTP 09/10 has a very good kick-start in this New Year. We had several engagements with the related party to discuss on various issues such as the clinic service, extended yellow line near v3 café, internet service, theft and others.

The achievement that opens up MPPUTPs’ 2010 diary is the change in Consequence Managements’ Policies. We should thanks to the previous MPPUTP 2007/08 and 2008/2009 for their effort to improve the policies. Lots of students keep asking about the status of CM right now. Well, there are several things that you need to know which are:

1. This time around, the monthly allowance for students affected by first (1) and second (2) CM will not being hold.
2. CM is still for those who get 2.5 and below.
3. Those who got the third CM, sponsorship will be terminated by PETRONAS.

Let us begin the new semester with a strong courage to change and to move forward. I hope this year will bring a lot of significant changes to each of us and let us leave behind what is bad for the sake of our happiness.
I believe we will be confronting with more challenges in this year. There is a quote said
“If you sail through life, do not avoid the wind and rough waters, just let it pass and keep moving because calm waters never make skillful sailors.”

Let us help each other. MPPUTP will always be with you because we are one. As always said by Tuan Haji Mohamed Noor Rosli Bin Baharom; 1 Destiny, 1 University, 1 UTP.

Thank you.
Pursuing Togetherness
Muhammad Haniff Bin Humam
Student Representative Council
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS 2009/10
H/P : 013 4745996
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